China threatens to squeeze iPhone sales if Donald Trump initiates a trade war — TechCrunch

Apple and top automakers could be among the U.S. businesses that suffer if President-elect Donald Trump plays hardball with China over trade. Read More

via China threatens to squeeze iPhone sales if Donald Trump initiates a trade war — TechCrunch

Facebook needs accountability to win back advertisers’ trust — TechCrunch

The advertising industry let out a collective groan in September when Facebook admitted a “discrepancy” in its reporting that led it to overstate how much time, on average, viewers were watching video. Because the error was huge — numbers were inflated as much as 60-80 percent for two years — and in Facebook’s favor, some…

via Facebook needs accountability to win back advertisers’ trust — TechCrunch

Self-healing electric ink refuses to die when cut — TechCrunch

Some clever researchers — perhaps too clever — have created a printable, self-healing, conductive material that repeatedly fixes itself after being snipped in half. Perhaps this will lead to cut-resistant hunter-killer robots, but more likely it’ll just be used for smart jeans. Read More

via Self-healing electric ink refuses to die when cut — TechCrunch

If Google buys Twitter, there’s a perfect spot for it in YouTube — TechCrunch

If you combined the fastest and slowest types of social media, the result could be both must-see and never-forgotten. YouTube lacks short-form, frequently updated content, but is synonymous with video and that popularity brings in lucrative ads. Twitter is struggling with growth and monetization, but it’s the pulse of the planet, generating tons of real-time content…

via If Google buys Twitter, there’s a perfect spot for it in YouTube — TechCrunch

The hopes and headaches of Snapchat’s glasses — TechCrunch

Snapchat is the only company cool enough to possibly dismantle the Google Glass stigma. Awkward, useless, and a threat to privacy are how many think of computers you wear on your face. Can Snapchat show off the masterful marketing and smooth execution required to produce a product that won’t die on stores shelves or in…

via The hopes and headaches of Snapchat’s glasses — TechCrunch

We’re looking at cyberbullying the wrong way — TechCrunch

A bully is a bully and a troll is a troll, no matter where you go online. For as long as online mass communication has existed, online bullying has existed. To effectively address the issue of cyberbullying, one must not only question the environments that yield such behaviors, but examine how and why the behavior…

via We’re looking at cyberbullying the wrong way — TechCrunch

SpaceX investigation suggests helium breach caused its Falcon 9 explosion — TechCrunch

SpaceX has a few answers about what might have caused the explosion of one of its Falcon 9 explosion on September 1. The rocket blew up while going through pre-launch prep on a landing pad, and no one was injured, but SpaceX has had some difficulty figuring out the cause, and shared very little info…

via SpaceX investigation suggests helium breach caused its Falcon 9 explosion — TechCrunch

$129 Google WiFi router that can team up with others tipped for Oct 4 — TechCrunch

Google will build upon its OnHub strategy with a new simple Wi-Fi router for the home, according to a new report from Android Police. Dubbed simply Google WiFi, It will cost $129, the site reports, and will debut at an event Google has announced for October 4, where many suspect the search giant will reveal its…

via $129 Google WiFi router that can team up with others tipped for Oct 4 — TechCrunch

Mark Zuckerberg’s Africa tour tracks tech’s growing interests on the continent — TechCrunch

After a surprise Nigeria visit to meet with techies in Lagos, Mark Zuckerberg took his Africa tour to Kenya this Thursday. There the Facebook CEO visited the iHub innovation space, reviewed the BRCK mobile Wi-Fi device, had lunch with Kenyan ICT Cabinet Secretary Joseph Mucheru, and met with tech leaders Juliana Rotich and Erik Hersman. Like…

via Mark Zuckerberg’s Africa tour tracks tech’s growing interests on the continent — TechCrunch

The death of localhost and the rise of cloud development — TechCrunch

The cloud has become the default for practically every industry, from storage to transportation to communication to retail. But there’s one fundamental space out of which it has yet to take a bite. Ironically, software development — the process of editing, building, debugging and analyzing code that makes everything in the cloud possible — is…

via The death of localhost and the rise of cloud development — TechCrunch